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Review current teams

Teams offer a way to coordinate and support a group of learning circles that are happening in the same city or across a single institution. Each team has an organizer (or two), and this person is charged with leading the learning circle initiative in their region and coordinating with P2PU. The best way to familiarize yourself with teams is to see what’s already happening. So, to start, take a few minutes to look through the active P2PU teams at and try to answer these questions for yourself:

  • What team is closest to you?
  • Which teams are particularly active right now?
  • Is there any information missing from team pages that you’d like to include on yours?
  • Are there any teams that you’d like to reach out to for guidance as you get started?

The Knowledge Base, P2PU has a category of technical resources for organizers and people who are operating Teams: About Teams. Here you’ll find resources that you can use to build a team of learning circle facilitators in your area.

  1. About Teams
  2. Custom Teams Sites
  3. Organizer Tools
  4. Weekly Summaries
  5. Courses for Teams
  6. Aggregated Data
  7. Facilitator Support
  8. Member Events

Spend 15-20 minutes reviewing what’s there.

🛠️ Setting up a team

Creating a team will all grant you access to new features on your learning circle facilitator dashboard. This includes:

  • A dedicated landing page (and memorable URL) for your team. This allows you to promote all learning circles across your team with a single URL. (For example, check out and
  • Team features on your dashboard. Facilitators will be able to see what’s happening across their team from their dashboard.
  • Weekly updates from your team of facilitators. These updates include the number of learner sign-ups from each learning circle, a weekly team schedule as well as a summary of facilitator feedback. All facilitators can opt in to receiving this weekly email from their dashboard.
  • Aggregated feedback. Data from learning circles in your team can be aggregated and shared for evaluation and reporting purposes.

Comprehensive and up-to-date details on the technical side of things can be read on the team section of website.

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