
Suggested timing: 40 minutes

This is a two part activity. The first part is designed to get you thinking about the role that organizers will take on in your institution. In the second part, we’ll introduce P2PU’s team planning worksheet, which will help you take steps towards the goals that you’ve identified for your teams.

Roles and responsibilities

Step 1: Individually, take five minutes to brainstorm all the ways that an organizer can support facilitators in your team. Using post-it notes or small pieces of paper, write (or draw) one idea per page. Quantity over quality!

Step 2: As a group, take ten minutes to arrange your notes into overlapping clusters, highlighting the themes that are emerging.

Step 3: Once you’re finished, take five more minutes to reflect on your findings.

  • Are you finding opportunities to embody peer learning principles when working with facilitators?
  • Are there places where you could adopt a more community-based approach to supporting facilitators?
  • What steps are you taking to reach individuals who may historically be sidelined from programs like learning circles?
  • Are there places where you are worried that your responsibilities are in conflict with P2PU’s vision?

Team planning worksheet

For the second part, download a copy of the Team Planning Worksheet, and go through the questions with your team members (this should take about 20 minutes).

When you go back through the worksheet to assign responsibilities, focus on the things that you have the freedom and discretion to get started on right away. If you need additional resources or authority in order to take on a task, make sure that is included as a step on the worksheet. 🧶— When you’re finished, turn your planning worksheet into a PDF (or take a photo of it) and share it in the “Starting a P2PU Community” category on the community forum.

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