Getting started

Facilitating a learning circle will require between 2 -3 hours hours/week, most of which is spent with participants. But the actual time commitment varies depending on what exactly what you want to do.

We recommend that you schedule your first learning circle for at least six weeks in the future. This will provide you ample time to promote your learning circle and address any outstanding questions with our community. As you get closer to beginning, here’s our recommend course of action:

4 weeks prior

  • Establish additional web presence
  • Customize a flyer
  • Connect with local communities
  • Publicize online and offline

2 weeks prior

  • Confirm with all registered participants
  • Confirm with venue
  • Gather supplies

Before the first learning circle

  • Send reminder email introducing yourself
  • Familiarize yourself with the online course
  • Review any icebreakers or group activities you may want to try