
Suggested timing: 35 minutes

Creating a learning circle only takes about five minutes once you’ve made your plan. In this activity, we’ve developed some questions that will help you move towards publishing your first learning circle.

Alone or in pairs, go to the learning circle creation flow on the P2PU website.

Talk through the following questions. Wherever possible, fill in your answers on the learning circle creation flow. Note that throughout the creation flow, there are some suggestions and tips on the right hand side of the screen.

  • What do you hope to achieve facilitating this learning circle?
  • How will you go about deciding a topic? Do you need to do outreach before you select a course?
  • What course is best suited for your needs?
  • Where will you host the learning circle?
  • What time of day works best for the audience that you’re trying to reach?
  • How will you go about promoting the learning circle?
  • Is there an extra question that you want all learners to answer when signing up? How will the answer to this question help you prepare?
  • What questions remain at this point?

If you’re able to fill in a number of fields, you can save your learning circle as a draft and return to it later.

🧶—When you’re finished, talk as a group through your plans. What are the sticking points? Can the group help each other in any way? Would the group benefit from speaking with a past facilitator? Share these thoughts on the “Creating a learning circle” category on the community forum.

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