From Safe Spaces to Brave Spaces

Safe Spaces seem like the utopian Ideal where you can share ideas and opinions without fear but as we will read in this short editorial from NC state University, safe spaces can be misuesed and instead create an environment where people feel like they don’t have an opportunity to disagree or share a different opinion or story because it doesn’t align with the group majority or the person facilitating the space.

The following editorial explores one student’s interpretation of the topic of safe spaces. Do you think of safe spaces differently?
Read: What is a safe space?

Let’s take this one step further and explore the dynamic of brave spaces as we explore the 3 step framework to creating Brave Spaces.

  1. Be aware of the Group who is present or needs to be present for the conversation. what perspectives are a part of this conversation.
  2. Ensure that you have an attentive facilitator to help moderate discussion and remind the group of the rules of engagement.
  3. Establish ground rules for engagement at the beginning of the conversation and allow all participants to contribute to the list.

Read: Brave Spaces

What needs have to be met in order to create the conditions for a brave space?

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