Session 1: Vision and Mission Statements

In this session, learners will learn how to articulate their company’s vision and purpose. Learners will begin drafting their company’s vision, mission, and values.


Introductions (5 mins)

Share your name and a brief description of the type of business you’re starting!

Video (5 mins)

Welcome - Introduction to NYU Future Labs + Course Overview

Group Agreements (5 mins)

Below are P2PU’s recommended group expectations for a new learning circle:

  • Respect the speaker: When a person is sharing, allow them to share their complete thoughts without interruption. Listen actively and push past distractions from digital devices and your environment when possible.
  • Speak from “I” and eye: Share from your own experience and perspective. Don’t assume the experiences of others and avoid making comments or generalizations about entire communities. Keep your shares focused on what you see, what you notice, and what you feel.
  • Step up, step back: A learning circle is most effective when all voices can be heard. If you find yourself speaking often, step back and create space for others to share their ideas. If you’re someone who prefers to listen, push yourself to speak out and share at least once per meeting.
  • Keep it confidential: What happens in the learning circle stays in the learning circle. Respect the privacy of your fellow participants and don’t share others’ stories without consent.

As a group, note anything that you’d like to add or remove from the list. How do you want to address any conflicts that arise in light of these expectations? (You can return to this list throughout the learning circle).

Next submodule: