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Suggested Time: 70 mins

Reading: Pivoting

(10 mins)

Companies pivot when they change their business strategy or direction in order to adapt to changing market conditions, customer needs, or competitive pressures. This can involve shifting their focus to a different product or service, targeting a different customer segment, or exploring new business models or markets. Essentially, pivoting is a way for companies to evolve and stay relevant in a constantly changing business landscape.

Here are a few strategies that companies can use to manage their teams effectively during a pivot:

  • Communicate clearly: Ensure that all team members understand the reason for the pivot, the new direction, and what their role is in the new plan. Be transparent about the company’s goals and the challenges ahead.
  • Re-evaluate roles and responsibilities: Reassess the skills and expertise needed for the new direction and adjust team roles and responsibilities accordingly. This may involve hiring new talent or providing training to existing team members.
  • Foster a culture of flexibility: A pivot can be challenging for everyone involved, so encourage your team to be flexible and adaptable to change. Create an environment that promotes experimentation and learning.
  • Set achievable goals: Establish realistic and achievable goals for your team that align with the new direction. Ensure that everyone understands their individual goals and how they contribute to the overall company objectives.
  • Provide support and resources: Provide the necessary resources and support to help your team succeed in the new direction. This may include new tools, technologies, or processes.

Articles (5 mins)

Find key points in one (or both) of the following articles to share in our upcoming discussion.

Famous business pivot examples that you should know of

How to Find the Right Co-Founder: YC Startup Library - Y Combinator

Founder Interview (32 mins)

Jason Shen - Founder Resilience

Breakout Rooms (15 mins)

Discuss the strategies mentioned in today’s session and consider possible scenarios where they might be needed.

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