
Join another P2PU course and observe

You can choose any P2PU course, but if you have no idea where to start, here’s a short list:

Here are some things to think about while looking at the course:

  • How are the courses structured
  • What are the exercises like? What is the product, how do people share it?

Complete one of the exercise from the course.

Plan your Learning outcomes

Write down what you want people to learn when taking your course - your learning outcomes. Try to think of possible projects learners can do that will require them to learn those things. Some things to keep in mind - will students need to do all the projects? Will all the projects require mastery of all the learning outcomes? Does completing a project imply mastering all the learning outcomes?

Add modules to your course

Now it’s time to start building your course! ### Add modules to your course

Now create a module in your course for every learning outcome above. In your GitHub repository, create a folder for every module inside the modules folder. The name of the folder will be reflected in the URLs of your course. If you look at the URL for this page, you will notice the first part of the URL is ‘modules/learning’ and that is also the name of the folder in the GitHub repository.

Inside the folder you just created you also need to create another folder called _posts. This is the folder that will hold the actual content for your course. Every module can have multiple sections. One of these sections should be projects. Create a new file called inside the _posts folder for the module you just created. The date part is used to determine the order of the sections in the module. For instance, you can see all the sections for the learning module here

If you don’t want to create all the folders yourself, rename or copy one of the folders that are already there (start, community, learning, content) and update the sections appropriately.

For modules to show up in the top navigation, you need to update the list modules in

Update the list of modules to reflect the modules for your course:

modules: [start, community, learning, content, feedback, references]

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