Our Story

Thanks for joining us at LearningFamilyLearning! We hope you’ll join our online learning community and learn with us. This site and community is designed for parents, educators, and adults who are interested in fostering learning for our children. Our team is conducting research to better understand how parents, families, and neighborhoods can better foster learning for youth as an ecosystem, and we designed this course to share insights with everyone and also get new ideas from the community.

Who are We?

The team who created this online course consists of June Ahn and Tamara Clegg at the University of Maryland, Jason Yip at the University of Washington, and Lori Takeuchi at Sesame Street’s, Joan Ganz Cooney Center. We also have an amazing team of graduate students including (in alphabetical order): Austin Beck, Elizabeth Bonsignore, Daniel Pauw, and Judith Uchidiuno who are key members of the team.

A Big Experiment